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REAP Code: 1025
CAM:1025  RMCAAP:225   RMAT:278

Admissions from Other SAARC Countries

Admissions from Other SAARC Countries

Please show your interest at https://www.rietjaipur.ac.in by filling up the Enquire Now form pop up as soon as you enter into the website for any of our courses, if you are from any of the SAARC countries other than India and Pakistan. On the basis of your interest, we will send you application form bulletin from our official email id saarc-admission@rietjaipur.ac.in. On the other hand you can directly download application form bulletin from below link and send it along with required attachments to our official email id saarc-admission@rietjaipur.ac.in

Note: Admission Form Bulletin is coming soon. Please write to us