A Glance: Ideationology Challenge 2019
Date : 24 May 2019 | Category : Event

We are proud to share that the “IDEATIONOLOGY CHALLENGE 2019” has been successfully completed at “Rajasthan Institute of Engineering & Technology (RIET, Jaipur)in association with Intelectta Inc., USA and sponsored by TEQIP-III, RTU [ATU], Kota on 18th and 19th May 2019. The event featured participation of more than 100 teams from all over nation. Out of these teams, 21 were invited to present prototype against panel of Judges.
Chief Guest:Prof.(Dr.) Uday A Dabade, State Project Administrator(SPA)SPIU,Jaipur,Rajasthan
Members of Jury:
- Shri G.K. Chaudhary, Dy. Secretary,Skill Development Ministry, N Delhi.
- ArunSinghal, MD Accenture
- DherendraMathur, TEQIP coordinator, RTU Kota
- Sudhir Kumar , MNIT Jaipur
- Vivek Srivastava, NIT Delhi
- P M Bhardwaj, Secretary Bhardwaj Foundation and advisor Jaipur Management Association
- Nischalverma,IIT Kanpur
- MuruganandanJagadesan, CEO AMPS Digital and ODC Plutustree LLC USA (Currently from Chennai)
- RamasubrahmanyamGollapudi, StartupEnthusiast and Mentor, Hyderabad
- Harish Sharma, RTU Kota
- Nirmala Sharma, Coordinator,RTU TEQIP
- Prof Kavitasharma
- Ajay sharma, Govtengg college ,jhalawad
- Prashant Singh, Vice President Paytm
- Y.K.Sharma , Principal Scientist, ICAR-NRCSS , Ajmer
- Vikashmittal