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REAP Code: 1025
CAM:1025  RMCAAP:225   RMAT:278

Hackathon name – HackNITj

Date : 27 Jul 2024 | Category : News

About Hackathon

It was a national level hackathon. The theme of hackathon was “Smart campus” in which 17 problem statements were given. 150+ team participated for 1st round from all over India in which 32 teams were selected for final onsite round at NITJ campus. Our team proposed the solutions of “Smart Auditorium” and we were selected for onsite round. In “Smart auditorium” we demonstrated 4 solutions.

Place – NIT Jalandhar

Team Name – Cybotians

Team Members

– Pravince kumar (CSE 3RD Year)
– Joydip dutta(ECE 3RD YEAR )
– Shivam vishwakarma(CSE 3rd year)

Date -21 & 22 Sep 2019

Solution of each problem
1) Counting the Number of Person in Real-Time and stored in database for further use.
Solution –We used Deep learning’s YOLOv3 model for detecting and counting the number of persons in the auditorium.

2) Controlling the Lighting system of the auditorium with person detection
Solution – We used the number of person detected from YOLOv3 model of 1st phase and using Arduino we are controlling the LEDs

3) Real time empty chair detection
Solution – We used YOLOv3 model for detecting empty chairs and displaying the rectangle filled the green color to show empty chairs

4) Polling website
Solution – We made a website using PHP and MySQL for polling.